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Getting Started

Brands keep and sell their own digital products.

So, we focus on physical merchandise. We also offer subscription plans. They include monthly and yearly options. They are for vendors who ship over 5 units per release each month. This includes on-demand manufacturing of their Books, Wall art, Vinyl, CD, and DVD titles.

It's simple. You handle the orders and then hand them over to FKACO. We manufacture and deliver your titles directly to the customer in white-label packaging.

Exclusive units are placed on FKACO shops and partner sites. These units ship with gratis digital downloads. Customers get them while they wait for their merch.

We strive to deliver exceptional support. We strive to meet every customer's needs, no matter how they reach us. We listen to their problems, ask questions, and provide personalized solutions. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We're committed to making it happen. We will do it by improving our processes and empowering our team.

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