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Our Return Policy

FKACO will replace any defective, misprinted, or damaged in-shipping item. We offer title replacement or refunds for these requests only. Please contact us within 24 hours of receiving your order. 

Please provide your order number, photos, and any other relevant information. We've provided swift responses to every request. Depending on the platform you placed the order on, you can log in to the customer portal or send us a ticket. If found defective, you won't need to return the item, but may be responsible for shipping costs.

We cannot exchange, credit, or issue cash refunds. You can only replace the item. If you purchased a one-of-a-kind pressing, we'll credit your account for another item. We will also discuss with the supplier. We will find a good replacement for unique merch. Due to our industry, swaps or non-damaged returns are not accepted.

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